The insurance expert in your office should/must be the leader among the staff. Of course, each staff member is important and crucial for the functioning of the office. If your front desk people are rude, chaos will reign. If your nurses or techs are uncaring, your patients won’t return. If you have a retail side like contacts or optical, their job performance is essential for the financial growth of the business. But if your insurance expert doesn’t lead the way, your office will go out of business. With the near-essential nature of third-party healthcare, having a qualified insurance filer is an absolute necessity and therefore a leader. What makes them the leader? Three things: One: They are guidance for the staff in terms of acquiring and inputting information. Wrong info in means a claim denial. Correct info in gives you a fighting chance. Two: The insurance world is an ever-fluid industry. The rules change often without notice. Your insurance expert is the gatekeeper for all of that knowledge. Without their learning, the staff doesn’t have a chance of processing patients correctly. Third: Filing insurance correctly is the doctor’s office only chance of maintaining a steady income flow. Without it, there won’t be enough money to even pay salaries. While each employee is valuable, the insurance expert drives the ship. For the doctor or manager, show appreciation (both verbal and financial). Invest in their education. For the staff person, be patient as they guide you in ever-changing waters of insurance. For the patient, understand that they will make mistakes while simultaneously recognizing they know the insurance better than you do. For the insurance expert, display patience with the staff as they don’t have the information you have. Lead them confidently and in humility so they will follow your lead. Be a “want to follow” type leader instead of a “have to follow” type of leader. We will tackle issues like this and lots more on our ProSight Success Podcast. To find out which platforms are available, go to the podcast’s webpage. Gordon Duncan 919-412-8161 If your insurance person needs training, or if you are an insurance expert and would like to branch out into your own business, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our HealthCare Pro Academy – Billing & Coding Mentorship is designed to help you. Know this above all, we salute your hard work. Other resources: Front Desk Academy
We’ve published another ProSight Success podcast! In this episode, we talk about how, if done right, evaluations make your employees better. We talk about: When to schedule evaluation. Point scales to use. And we share one hilarious evaluation story. You can listen to this episode and find the links to your favorite podcast platforms at Please let us know if this podcast and the information is helpful. If so, please drop me a note at [email protected] If you want to know more about ProSight Success, we have several resources. The front desk keeps making mistakes. The claims keep getting denied. You’ve spoken to them. Nothing changes. What do you do? How many of you have been in this situation? If you are responsible for filing the insurance claims in your office, I know you have been. It is so frustrating. So, again, what do you do? Here are a few tips. First, continue to address the front desk staff, but be sure you do it professionally. Second, document each interaction. Third, address the concern with whomever is the manager of the front desk (if there is one). If none of that changes anything, here is the best plan. Document the dollar amount of the denied claims. Calculate the amount of time you spend on re-filing the claims. Multiply that time by hourly salary. Show your owner or manager the real cost of a denied claim. Ask them to intercede. Hopefully, the owners or managers will step in. The biggest challenge in the whole scenario may be maintaining your cool and being the professional. But that’s who you are: a professional. Ultimately, if the problem persists, it rests on the owner at that point. Hopefully, your efforts will make a longstanding change and not just a temporary one. Hang in there. Gordon Duncan 919-412-8161 HealthCare Pro Academy – Billing & Coding Mentorship Front Desk Academy Hurricane Florence moves menacingly towards the east coast, and landfall predictions change every day. In light of the risk and the unknown, people are wisely preparing their homes for impact. Additionaly, once the hurricane leaves, recovery is going to have to take place. In light of so many preparations and reparations, do not forget about eye care. As always, consult your local eye care professional, but to get started, here are a few eye related precautions. Always Wear Safety Goggles and Glasses – Preparation for a hurricane involves boarding up windows and the use of power tools. Repairs will involve everything from heavy machinery to hammers and nails. Some of you may be forced to walk outside in driving winds and rain. Every one of these scenarios puts your eyes at risk. The only way to prevent an eye injury is before you start. Make a quick trip to Lowes, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, wherever and pick up eye protection for you and your family. The bottled water may be gone. The safety glasses, probably not. Thoroughly Check Any Equipment Being Used – Some of your equipment is only used once or twice a year. They may not be in proper working order. Make sure that chainsaw and other equipment is functioning properly before getting started. Improperly functioning equipment can do serious damage to your eyes. Keep Some Purified or Distilled Water on Hand – Water is at a premium right now, but keep a bottle or two aside in case you need to wash your eyes out. Local water sources may be contaminated and cause more harm than good in your eyes. The Red Cross offers great advice about hurricane preparedness. Check their site out and be careful. Prayerfully, damage will be at a minimal. Take care of yourself. Gordon Duncan Is concierge service the future of profitable healthcare? A group of doctors in NC recently announced a concierge service to their patients. For the cost of $1,800 a year, a pre-determined number of patients will receive benefits and attention above and beyond their normal, excellent care. They receive preferred scheduling in set blocks that are set aside each day. Their exams were longer than the normal 20-minute slots. Partnering with other doctors, the patients were given a private number to call on weekends if there was need. Patients also received discounts on elective and cosmetic services as well as other benefits. The idea was the patients received care above and beyond the already excellent care, but for a global fee, they could be pampered a bit. The doctor had no problem signing up patients and reaching their pre-determined number. What do you think? This kind of offer would fit well in medical fields with retail (optometry) and cosmetic (orthodontics) options. The idea of providing above and beyond services that exclude third-parties may very well balance the write-offs and denials of the insurance world. The keys would be a loyal patient base and a profitable offer that makes the concierge services attractive. These doctors had both and now enter the world of luxury healthcare. Perhaps you might as well. What are your thoughts? Let us know. We will tackle issues like this and lots more on our ProSight Success Podcast. To find out which platforms are available, go to the podcast’s webpage. Thanks for listening. Gordon Duncan 919-412-8161 ProSight offers a host of resources for the eye care and medical industries. Just let us know how we can help. HealthCare Pro Academy I get asked all the time, “After the doctor, what staff person is the most important?” That is an impossible question to answer, but I usually answer this way. I say, “If your front desk isn’t friendly and attentive to details, your patients will not come back.” “If your techs don’t care about your patients, and if they aren’t able to calm them and prepare them to see the doctor, they won’t come back.” Then, I pause. “You cannot have a successful patient without an excellent front desk and caring techs. But if you aren’t collecting the money that you are billing, you will 100% go out of business. Your insurance folks have to be the best - the best in the industry and the best in office.” They typically ask, “So who is the most essential.” I smile, and reply, “Yes.” The point? Seek excellence in every area of your office, and don’t accept anything less. Gordon Duncan 919-412-8161 HealthCare Pro Academy – Billing & Coding Mentorship Front Desk Academy Today is Labor Day. Culturally, it celebrates the end of summer and the beginning of fall by giving so many a day of rest. Additionaly, it is intended to prepare us all for a change of season. As a business, you are either open to capture the freed-up business or closed to give your employees a rest. Either way, make a big deal out of Labor Day. If you are open, treat your employees well. Buy them lunch. Give them gifts. Let them know how much you appreciate them. If you are closed, let them know how much you appreciate them. Send them notes of thanks. Text them or email them. Just let them know that you couldn’t do your business without them. If you are an employee, enjoy the day off. If you are working, work with a fervor that emphasizes why your employer should be thankful for you. Make a big deal out of Labor Day because working is a big deal and the upcoming change of season is a big deal. ProSight Success wants to celebrate working and prepare your business for the change of season. Now, through Labor Day, our ProSight Workbook is 33% off ($229.99 reduced to $151.80). And we will still offer the same great deal as before. If you purchase the workbook, we will give you the digital copy of all 7 books plus one hour of free tele-consulting. This Labor Day special is a one-time offer, and the workbook is now cheaper than purchasing the eBook by itself. The one hour consult itself is worth $250. So, take action today before this offer goes away. Now is the time to increase revenue, create a more enjoyable work environment, and maximize taxes. I can’t wait to talk to you. Gordon Duncan I received a message from a trusted billing and coding professional the other day. She asked me about a national company that contracted with her doctors to take over their operations. She was concerned that her office environment was about to change. Job security was a legitimate worry as well. All of this is understandable. As a manager, I was part of a franchise that was heavy handed in control, and later, I was part of an ownership/culture change. Those were the circumstances that led me to start my own consulting business. The real question in these situations is, “What can I do as an employee?” My answer, “Be a professional.” Working like a Professional is always the right, first step. A professional sets the example. They don’t complain to other employees. They take their concerns to ownership instead of spreading dissent. They partner with the new management trying to be a part of the solution and not another problem for them to solve. She asked, “What if it is a terrible situation?” I encouraged her that if she was a professional throughout, she could get a good reference from her boss. If that was impossible, she could still leave with dignity. Skilled Billing and Coding professionals are in demand. These types of things happen in the medical industry, and quite often, they are out of the medical professional’s control. The only thing that can be controlled is the employee’s professionalism. So, hang there, everybody. Be the professional. Keep your head held high. I’m thankful for all of you Billing and Coding Professionals out there. Hang in there, and keep doing the profession proud. Gordon Duncan 919-412-8161 HealthCare Pro Academy – Billing & Coding Mentorship ProSight Success is excited to launch the ProSight Success Podcast! As best as we can tell, there are only one or two eye care related podcasts out there, and we felt there was a great need for one that focused more on practical changes that you can make in your office more profitable and enjoyable. We will of course focus on the eye care industry, but we will also offer advice, tips, and interviews that cover a broad spectrum of businesses and business needs: things like marketing, managing, and human resources. In our first episode, we talk about the podcast's purpose, Gordon's background, and we discuss the importance of diagnostics. Diagnostics are the numbers that determine the health of your practice. We also talk about how you can influence them to grow your practice and get your entire staff involved. Each week, we will launch the podcast on more and more platforms. To find out which platforms are available, go to the podcast’s webpage. Thanks for listening. Gordon Duncan 919-412-8161 ProSight offers a host of resources for the eye care and medical industries. Just let us know how we can help. HealthCare Pro Academy I was managing an incredibly successful practice. In fact, it was successful due to the hard work of others. I inherited it. Sadly, I was running it in the ground. I was doing too much, and the one area that was suffering most was the insurance. Our accounts receivable were rising, and our bank balancing was falling. What to do? The solution was simple. We contracted with a Billing and Coding expert. At first, we were worried about the cost. How in the world could we justify spending more money when we were losing money? To answer that question, we did the math. First, we looked around and asked what the cost was to hire a Billing and Coding profession. The cost wasn’t horrendous. In fact, as a W2/1099 employee, the cost was reasonable. Second, we looked at how much more money we would be bringing in because of this professional. We contracted her not only to file for us but also to periodically train our staff. As a result, we had fewer denied claims. The additional revenue more than paid for her salary. Third, we explored avenues that I, as the manager, could pursue with my additional time. The main area we found was staff training. I was then freed up to help our frame sellers sell more. I was freed up to train our front desk staff to be more efficient and friendly. I was even freed up to do the marketing that I just never found time for. What was the result? Greater profit. So, what about your practice? Is it time to hire a Billing and Coding professional? Examine the three steps we took to answer that question. Can you find someone? Will it bring you in more money? Will it free up your manager or another employee to do more? If so, it might be time to look to hire a Billing and Coding professional. Gordon Duncan 919-412-8161 ProSight offers a host of resources for the eye care and medical industries. Just let us know how we can help. HealthCare Pro Academy |
Gordon DuncanGordon Duncan is an award-winning educator, salesman, teacher, manager, and writer. He has taught in the public school system, lobbied for school's accreditation, managed eye clinics, led sales' teams, and also publishes books on theology, church, and culture. Archives
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